Stay tuned. Part 2 will go up tonight and part 3 tomorrow or Wednesday. Everything you ever wanted to know - names, dates, places, and other details will all be revealed.
i've published part one of a three part series about the menlo park kh scandal.
this has been a tough one for me.. the original federal case was dismissed in january.
Stay tuned. Part 2 will go up tonight and part 3 tomorrow or Wednesday. Everything you ever wanted to know - names, dates, places, and other details will all be revealed.
by "shadow elder".
before i express my opinion to the readers and contributors to this website (, i would like to explain who i am and to present my bona fides as someone qualified to comment on this website and jehovah's witnesses in general.. first of all, i am an active jehovah's witness living just outside of new york city.
being a large metropolis, new york has many kingdom halls located within the city and several more in surrounding boroughs, counties, and suburbs.
Hold on. "Shadow Elder" is not posting here. That post that starts this thread is copy of an article published several months ago on (8/2/2009)
See also (1/28/2011)
There have been many discussion threads on JWN and other forums about this elder, some supportive and many critical. I suggest that you run a search on JWN and you should find at least a half dozen rather extensive discussions.
I've lost contact with "Shadow" and his son over the past year so I don't know what their status is now. But I thought it was interesting that this fellow was willing to actually send me an article to post on my website, sharing his opinions and taking the chance that he might be discovered and punished. Maybe he is out now - I don't know. But I sometimes wonder where some of the posters here (and on other sites) are coming from when they go out of their way to criticize an insider who, in his own way, is trying to help our cause.
"Shadow" has responded to some of the criticism tossed at him from here and from comments posted to his article. He admits that he may have been too heavy handed in his negative comments about some apostate websites and YouTube creators. His point was that JWs are looking for reasonable and calm former JWs to lead them out and to make them feel safe leaving the WT. When ex-JWs present themselves as foul-mouthed ruffians or treat their subject with harshness and hate, it tends to strengthen their resolve against apostates and puts fear in their hearts about questioning the Watchtower.
Criticize "Shadow" if you will, but I personally think his article has opened the eyes of dozens of JWs to facts they hadn't known before. Read the comments after the article on and decide for yourself. Then come back here and share your thoughts.
i've published part one of a three part series about the menlo park kh scandal.
this has been a tough one for me.. the original federal case was dismissed in january.
TheOldHippie: "... And what the connection between Menlo Park KH and smaller magazines should be - I regretfully fail to see ..."
My post ran far too long as it was. It's hard to condense all of the information that I've received over the past few months, some of it while I was driving (thank you Bluetooth!). When people begin to trust you and are willing to share their experiences, thoughts, and inside information - and your hands are on the steering wheel - or you're standing in the middle of a Costco store - you just have to let them say their piece and hope you retain as much as you can. That's been my experience over the past few months - and often I am talking to an anonymous contact from the Menlo Park area.
I think the rumors point to is that the Watchtower realizes that there is a growing movement at the Kingdom Hall level to reject or question some of the policies of the Society. Some of it is doctrinal disagreements, but mostly it is the way the rank and file is being treated. Young people are losing interest, older people are missing more meetings and listening over the telephone instead. Contributions are way down forcing the elders to have to constantly bring up the subject after TMS and the Watchtower study.
There are other signs as well. Fewer attendees on Friday Circuit Assembly days. Young brothers making the choice to go to college rather than to pioneer or seek ministerial or elder assignments.
One major trend that has become apparent is the fear that JWs live under now. When I was growing up as a teenager in the 1950-60s I never worried about being disfellowshipped or reproved. Our congregation would have a DF or reproof maybe once every two or three years. In those days we were a lot more open about our questions or dislike of a change of policy and were less afraid of being slapped down for it. Now the rank and file lives in a fearful state that they might accidentally stumble and be called on the carpet. Maybe they have a Vanity Fair or Smithsonian magazine laying on their coffee table and a visiting elder notices it. Have you seen the ads in Vanity Fair? Smithsonian frequently has articles about evolution and ancient cultures dating back 10,000 years. Maybe the new wide-screen TV set a JW family bought will bring criticism that they are watching too much television and letting their Family Study Evenings slip. Even the choice of a new car might bring criticism about it being "too flashy," or "too small for field service."
The Watchtower has created a reputation for recruiting new converts with the goal of eventually disfellowshipping them. Many JWs are beginning to admit that they are living in fear, not in love. They don't see the elders as their friends, but as executioners.
I wish I could share some of the emails I get several times a week begging me for help or advice. When I see my Droid light up and buzz and the words "Restricted Number" flash on my screen I know it can only be a sales call or a JW who wants to share some information with me. I have become so used to hearing the fear in a person's voice that it doesn't bother me like it once did. Callers are afraid that I might be sitting in a room at Bethel or Patterson recording their call and making notes so that I can expose them at some point.
I think the reason that I am getting as many calls and emails is because of my presentation of the Menlo Park story. Right or wrong, the elder/plaintiffs have taken on the roll of Davids standing up against the Goliath legal department sent by the Watchtower to decapitate then and grind their bones under the Society's heels. As a result, callers and emailers are providing me with inside information whenever they can.
The rumors are consistent in one way: The Watchtower is making changes not to relax its control or to show more love and understanding to their flock, but rather are arming themselves with bigger sticks and sending out unyielding shepherds that will turn them in to lamb chops if they don't move in the direction the Society demands of them.
i've published part one of a three part series about the menlo park kh scandal.
this has been a tough one for me.. the original federal case was dismissed in january.
I've published part one of a three part series about the Menlo Park KH scandal.
This has been a tough one for me.
The original federal case was dismissed in January. Appeals and new filing took place in late January. State court case in San Mateo County was dismissed.
Case files became available in late January and early February. Started working on a new series of articles for publication in late February. Had eye surgery, computer problems, and then three weeks of travel that slowed me down. But now I'm back in my groove.
In early February, I was informed by my contacts in Menlo Park that something big was brewing. Appeals were being filed in federal appeals court and state courts. "New information" was forthcoming.
In late February and while I was traveling in March, I started getting emails and restricted phone calls from everywhere (including New York) warning me that the Watchtower was going to be changing some of its policies about new Kingdom Halls, Assembly Halls, and how they would schedule and assign COs and DOs. Something big (like a shakeup) was about to happen and part of it was due to events in Menlo Park.
I was also warned from other contacts I have across the USA and Canada that "all elder bodies were going to be under more scrutiny" as the WT tries to weed out anyone that seems to be independent or willing to stand up to the Watchtower on anything. "Soft elders" would be suspect, as those types are typically the first ones to go out as "apostates." COs and DOs have apparently been squealing on local elders that have questioned the WT's recent actions. The "apostates are mentally diseased" approach to ex-JWs has apparently backfired on the GB (thank you, Barbara Anderson!). They may be afraid that another Menlo Park uprising is about to pop up somewhere and embarrass them again further. The next set of elders that stand up to them may have better financing and be willing to give the Borg a really good fight in a more aggressive court. Don Adams and the Watch Tower Corp. officers are not pleased and plan to act. Apparently someone may have written letters to the Justice Department and the IRS. I can not confirm any of this, but several sources have suggested those possibilities.
Now that I look back, these may have been clues that the WT would be making big changes this summer. Looks like the magazines and expanded use of the Internet might be just a small part of the changes. One thing that kept coming up was that it also looks like the WT will be taking a stronger lead within Kingdom Halls themselves. I was told that the "new missionary work" would be directed from WT HQ. In other words, look out for young GB wannabees to show up, sent by HQ to takeover as elders, bumping existing COBOEs and older elders. Anyone showing a soft heart or an openminded approach with the flock is sure to be demoted and put under suspicion.
Apparently, the June and January changes in policy are just the tip of the proverbial ice bergs, not to mention "fire and rain" directed toward local congregations. It's hard to imagine, but some of the GB members and Branch officers (worldwide) see just about everyone under CO level to be suspect.
Looks like we have a couple of interesting years ahead of us. I don't think its going to be much fun for the younger MS and older elders. I see a lot of them resigning and turning down opportunities to serve their local congregations. The elder bodies will be taken over by brothers looking for power and promotion to higher ranks - those willing to show no mercy to the rank and file. If this is true, I hope Joe Publisher and Sister Publisher finally get sick of the treatment they're getting and they decide to leave - even if they to lose some family members.
Part 1 of Elder Tells All is now online with part 2 right behind in just a few hours.
I look for your comments - good or bad. Most of the above is just rumor and conjecture - so take it all with a huge dose of salt. But I thought you should know it. We can all watch as events unfold to see how much of the above is based on facts.
for those of you that have been following the ongoing story of the forced take over of the menlo park, california kingdom hall, please go to:.
i'm sorry, the article is still a little rough and still needs a lot of editing, but i wanted to get it up by today at the latest.
There are new developments on the Menlo Park case and a new article will be posted this weekend on
Rebel8 - I now have copies of all federal court records on this case and the previous federal case. I'll try to keep up with any new filings and post those that I can that are significant on
The case has taken a whole new turn, is now filed in a different court and different judge. I'm not sure if the plaintiffs will be any more successful in their new approach than they were in their first federal case or in state court.
Win or lose, they are being successful about getting the word out by using legal means. I'll continue to support their efforts as I can, but the former elders are really on their own trying to stand up to a powerful publishing company and their legal eagles.
I'll post a link to the newest article as soon as I get it online.
forgive me for creating this thread but i believe there are aspects of watchtower downsizing that have not been fully understood or 'fleshed out'.. for example: you have a publishing company whose main source of revenues are book and magazine production and sales.
their international presence is supported by the profits they make on these.
so far, so good.... overtime, their products fail to sell.
What many observers of the Watchtower fail to note is that they have not really been making money from selling books and magazines for many years. When they stopped presenting the magazines for a suggested price and had to go completely to "donations," income immediately switched from public contributions to member donations.
I understand that some countries may still allow the magazines to be "sold" for specific donations, but in the USA this is illegal and also has negative tax ramifications (state and local taxes on gross sales of magazines and subscriptions). Basically, it is the JWs themselves that are donating the cost of the magazines, plus their time, gas, and cleaning bills to place literature in the hands (or dump on the porches) of householders.
The Watchtower's switch to Internet delivery of materials using PDF, eBook, and some POD (print-on-demand) reproduction will dramatically lower their costs of production in all categories. In the near future they'll need fewer volunteers running presses and working the mail rooms, minimal paper and ink, and the ability to sell off most, if not all, of their printing presses, trimmers, and bindery machines.
My guess is that they can easily reduce their ongoing expenses by 50% or more by making the switch to Internet publishing. Not to mention that they get a much more effective worldwide delivery system. They probably regret not going this way about fifteen years ago when the Internet was just beginning to hit its stride - instead of demonizing it.
The danger in all of this for the Watchtower is twofold: (1) More exposure to the Internet may cause more JWs to find reasons to leave the religion or not to enthusiastically preach the WTs defective and unsupportable doctrines; and, (2) Once the R&F realize how much money the Watchtower is saving, they may cut back on donations to the worldwide preaching work. Both possibilities have to put fear in the hearts of the NY and PA corporations and the Governing Body.
If folks like us can somehow get the message out to average JWs and their families that other than for local Kingdom Hall expenses, the donations they send to WT HQ is even now not going for new printing presses and publishing supplies, but rather for lifetime tax free incomes and first-class world travel expenses for the Governing Body and the upper management of the Watchtower publishing company. If the average Witness who is struggling to survive and support his family finally understands that the leaders of the Watchtower don't really care about him, his family, and the rest of the rank and file - but only see them as sheep to be herded and sheared each month - then maybe average JWs will think twice about dropping their grocery money in the boxes and donations will drop off substantially.
This is a message that we need to emphasize. Let the average JW understand that their only role within the society is to supply an endless supply of money to Patterson, Wallkill and Brooklyn. Remind them that the one message that is repeated at every assembly, convention, special meeting, and several times a month at their Kingdom Hall is the need for more donations to be sent to the Watchtower HQ. Local JWs build and pay for their Kingdom Halls and Assembly Halls, but the Watchtower ends up owning them free and clear and pays no taxes on the properties. The locals pay for all the monthly expenses, utilities, insurance, and upkeep.
There is a reason that the Watchtower is building new Kingdom Halls as fast as they can - even in areas with well-kept and satisfactory Halls in place.
We now have an opportunity to get this message out. Everytime a JW goes to the Internet to access we want them to stumble across another website that educates them about the facts and exactly what they have gotten themselves into. Whenever a non-Witness wants more information about Jehovah's Witnesses, we want them to find 100 other sites that tell the real story and blast them with facts.
I am feeling very optimistic right now.
just seen this.....anyone here going?.
it doesn't appeal to me, but if this type of protest floats your boat,,,,,.
If anyone in the UK needs more information, PM me for local contact information. The article mentioned above gives the time, location, and general instructions. It would be great if someone showed up with a video capable cell phone or camera. I'm sure there a many who might consider protesting at Memorial locations here in the US and Canada in support of our UK brothers and sisters.
just wondering has there ever been a definitive article responding to this or a similar q ?.
Eyewitnesses have described Fred Franz as speaking to his feet, so my guess is that the holy spirit visited Freddy through a hole in his sock.
Actually there is a very logical explanation about how the holy spirit communicates with the Governing Body. It uses the very same method it did when it informed each one that they were one of the 144,000 anointed ones and would have "a heavenly hope."
That seems perfectly reasonable to me.
Next question...
more important than the reduction in the size of the new magazine is that the watchtower will be actively promoting its website and encouraging people use it to download magazines.
my concern is that this has the potential to lead to an increase in growth for the watchtower.. the door-to-door preaching work has been one of the most inefficient means imaginable to gain converts, and done little more than tie up the time of active jws.
now, by directing people to the internet, witnesses can spread their message at an alarming rate for little cost.. do you feel that this has the potential to lead to a surge in growth of jehovah's witnesses?
PaintedToeNail: " Maybe they are trying to distance themselves from the name 'Watchtower', so it looks more biblical, rather than odd. How many people in places other than the Eurasian Continent, even know what a watchtower is? I've never seen one in North America, except the odd cranulated tower on some of the old KHs."
Actually, in America there are many "watchtowers." Discounting the ones located deep in the national parks and forest lands used by firewatchers and forest rangers, the primary use of "watchtowers" in this country is at our prisons to keep the population inside from escaping into the population outside the walls. You'll see watchtowers spaced near the corners of the walls and entrances overlooking the exercise yards and garden areas. The guards usually have "shoot to kill" orders should anyone try to escape or create an uprising within the walls.
So it is appropriate that the Watchtower uses that for their corporate name. They try to keep their imprisoned members within their walls and all other influences outside. Anyone who manages to escape is "spiritually killed" by the organization. The only ones with any power or authority are the ones making the rules - and like prison authorities, they can change rules often and without reason. The warden and his staff do not need a reason for changing the rules or have to explain to the prisoners why rules that worked in the past don't apply for the future. Many inside (including the guards) want to leave, but can't because they will either "lose their lives" or lose their pensions.
more important than the reduction in the size of the new magazine is that the watchtower will be actively promoting its website and encouraging people use it to download magazines.
my concern is that this has the potential to lead to an increase in growth for the watchtower.. the door-to-door preaching work has been one of the most inefficient means imaginable to gain converts, and done little more than tie up the time of active jws.
now, by directing people to the internet, witnesses can spread their message at an alarming rate for little cost.. do you feel that this has the potential to lead to a surge in growth of jehovah's witnesses?
popcorn_eater asked: " Sites generally have to pay Google, don't they, to make their results come up first on the search? Or like "sponsored results". I wonder if they will make this arrangement."
Actually no, sites don't have to pay Google for high positions in the search engines. They can get some advantage by buying Adwords space, but that can be a very expensive proposition for a company or corporation that is non-profit.
Most websites get on the first page of Google search by providing a well laid out website with lot of content (text and graphics). If a site has a well chosen domain name that describes its content and is recognizable to the general public, it will almost always end up on near the top of the list.
If you type in "Jehovah's Witnesses" you will get the Watchtower's three websites, a couple of others, and this site ( all on the first page.
If you type in "ex-jehovah's witnesses" you'll find the Yuku forum,, this site, and my own site ( all appearing on the first page. I'm sure none of those sites have paid Google anything for those search results. The reason they appear on the first page is that they are full of information about Jehovah's Witnesses and are kept up to date.
By combining the three sites it already has into one, the Watchtower will possibly shoot itself in the foot. Not only that, but when people search for information about Jehovah's Witnesses they will not only find the Watchtower's official website, but also this one, Freeminds, JWfacts, and lurking nearby. This is like setting up a new bookstore and then having Barnes & Noble,, Borders, and Powells all moving next door and across the street. Not only that, but readers will soon discover that the other stores offer information that is cheaper, more up-to-date, and a lot more fun to read.
The Watchtower will lose their competitive edge on the Internet. They may lose some of their own readers and followers by moving to the Internet because what they have to offer is mundane, stale, and boring. Those of us who have the stores next door (on the search engines) will offer the latest scandals, better documentation, and logic to our readers. Even faithful JWs will have to check us out to see what we know that they don't.
I really think that this move on the Watchtower's part will hurt them and help the rest of us..